If someone were to ask me, "Kim who has taught you the most in life?"
I could answer...my parents, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, cousins, hubby, sister, friends, teachers, college professors; even my 4 and 6 year old teach me daily. It is true, I have learned a great deal from all of the above. BUT the one who has taught me the most in life is.....
On a cold November, Saturday a very long time ago I was feeling alone. I had been separated from my first husband (I could actually use him too who taught me...but that's another blog) I was sad and empty inside. All the tears had gone- my heart broken.
I needed to heal.
I needed a friend.
So I drove myself to an animal shelter. Among the rows of sad and lonely dogs I see a beautiful, white and fluffy one. She simply sat and stared at me. All the others jumped and barked. She simply sat. I looked into her eyes and saw everything that I felt. I knew we had to be together. I took her home and named her HOPE.
We spent fourteen beautiful years together.
It was in those years that I learned....
To love unconditionally
To find joy in each day
To get excited to run in the rain and jump in the snow
To embrace the warm sun on a hot day and just rest
To take a walk and observe the miracles of nature
To curl up on a cozy bed and sleep the day away
To hug and kiss often
To be thankful for family and friends
To laugh at yourself, even when you look silly
To say sorry when you hurt the ones you love
To be gentle and kind
To never, ever give up HOPE
My dog HOPE- My life's teacher
Who is yours?
- cookie-MOMster
- Attleboro, Massachusetss, United States
- Hi. Welcome. I created CookieMOMster because when I was a first time mom 6 years ago cookies saved me. I was in a whirlwind of sleepless nights, crying and baby drool. I ate lots of cookies and began writing. Writing had been my passion since I was young and I had forgotten how much it meant to me. It's funny how these little lives come into your life and cause chaos but at the same time allow you to re-discover yourself. Thank you to Konrad and Koby for that. So sit down have a cookie and read. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy writing. Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you stopped by.
yes, i agree- animals are incredible teachers! -michelle wilson
ReplyDeleteKim, That is such a great story of how you and Hope met! Thank you for sharing. Your thoughts are very inspiring!
ReplyDeleteKim, That is beautiful. It brings back wonderful memories of a special friend I once had, GREAT STORY.
All true! It also makes me feel a little verklempt. Another good one, Kim. You make it look easy, my friend.
ReplyDeleteKim, I just adore this. I feel in love with my puppy Salem and she has seen me through so much in my life the last 8 years. It makes me tear up to know with everything I went through and all the ups and downs, she was the one constant. My loyal companion. I know we don't pick them, but they pick us.
ReplyDeleteA moving piece, powerful and vivid.