For over a year now I have been taking a writing class. Since I was a little girl I loved to write. During my twenties I hate to say I never picked up a pen to write, I had totally forgotten the love I had for it. Fast forward to the birth of my first son the urge to write began to grow once again. Then with the birth of my second little guy I was all consumed by it. I began writing in journals for them, writing about things that they did or how I felt about being their mom. I continue to write in them so someday I can present them with my journey of being their mom. Writing in those journals inspired me to begin writing for myself, then enrolling in the writing class and now here I sit composing a piece for my very own blog! The idea behind cookie-MOMster came from those journals that I write for Konrad and Koby. Being a new mom I was CRAZY!!!!!(still am) The only thing that would calm me were cookies and coffee. These two little beings bring chaos and much happiness to my life. I hope you will join me on this ride.
Have you had a cookie today?
I did. An Oreo and a coffee=CALM.
- cookie-MOMster
- Attleboro, Massachusetss, United States
- Hi. Welcome. I created CookieMOMster because when I was a first time mom 6 years ago cookies saved me. I was in a whirlwind of sleepless nights, crying and baby drool. I ate lots of cookies and began writing. Writing had been my passion since I was young and I had forgotten how much it meant to me. It's funny how these little lives come into your life and cause chaos but at the same time allow you to re-discover yourself. Thank you to Konrad and Koby for that. So sit down have a cookie and read. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy writing. Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you stopped by.
Welcome to the blogosphere, Kim! I, for one, am excited to have a new blog to follow from its inception. The only danger is that I might try to satisfy my jones for toll-house cookies. Nevertheless, I anxiously await further posts. You go, momster!